Hey everyone! It's time to be EtsyInspired!! This week we're coming to you with a really awesome shop called Artwork by Lori! Lori is a fabulous artist. I mean seriously! This shop has just her paintings and prints. She has TWO other Etsy shops! The Royal Bead has all of her jewelry and hair designs and Hip Heart carries all of her graphic designs. This is a talented chica, and one lucky person will win a print with a value of up to $14 - winner's choice!!
We've got a sponsor this week, too. Charleston Scrapbook Company is providing a $10 gift certificate for one of our winners!
So earlier this week, I realized that it was going to be the 2 year anniversary of my friend, Bill's, death. Bill Wyatt was a wheelwright. I own two spinning wheels that he made, so I thought it would be fitting to honour his memory by spending March 8th spinning. I hadn't chosen a project yet for this week, so it occurred to me that I might have something that would fit in with Artwork by Lori. I have a bit of a fibre stash (hey, they don't call me FibreJunky for nothing!!), so it didn't take me too long to find something appropriate, once I'd taken a good look through the shop.
First I found this lovely print.
Then I found this Coopworth/Alpaca blend that had been dyed with madder.
There was 8oz of it. That ended up being more than 4 full bobbins worth of singles, which I spun on my Pegasus wheel, a 30" production wheel made of mesquite. It has my name on it, slightly misspelled, as Bill got it wrong in 2004 (the plaque says "FibreJunkie"). It is signed and numbered on the bottom. It was the 6th Pegasus he made. I'm not sure how many he completed before he passed away, but I was able to work with him for a little while (before he got a real apprentice, Myles Jakubowski, who now continues Bill's work), and I had a hand in several of his wheels, which is a source of great pride for me, even though my part was very, very small.
For expedience, I chose to pull out a different wheel for plying. I have several spinning wheels. My Lendrum has a gigantic plying head. I was able to get almost half of the fibre plied onto one of the Lendrum's huge plying bobbins. For any other fibre people who may notice that this doesn't look like a typical Lendrum, yes, it is one of the 25th anniversary walnut wheels.
And lastly, I skeined it up. I'll skein up the rest later. I don't know how much yardage I have yet. I haven't measured it, but the first skein is huge. The fibre originally came from Handspun by Stefania last year at the MD Sheep & Wool Festival. I don't know what it wants to be now that it's all grown up into yarn. If anyone has any suggestions, send me a shout-out.
Now that I've totally talked your eyes off today, head on over and see what the rest of the team has to share today. You've got until Friday, March 18, at noon Pacific time, to enter your own creation on the EIC blog.

Very kewl Carole! I've never seen this before so it was interesting! Can't wait to see what youmake with it! :-)
Now this is neat! I'm intrigued...can't wait to see what you create Carole!!
Oh my word - She is spinning again! Its about time. I would give you a idea for what to make, but you need to tell me what size yarn......
I now challenge you to spin up 4 more rovings before MD S&W.
Or I shall have to raid your "several wheels" and take one with me to give it some love.
Wowee! Love your flowers!! That is some incredible work there, Carole! Some serious spinning, huh!? GORGEOUS!!
What a beautiful color! I look forward to seeing what you make with this!
What beautiful yarn! spinning is very interesting to me. You do a beautiful job!
WOW! This absolutely gorgeous! I love the color! What a COOL project for this week!
YOU GO GIRL!!! This is awesome! That color is gorgeous!!! Can' wait to see what you make!
soooo very very cool!
Love the color! I'm just spinning occasionally with a spindle. I would love to do more.
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